Membership At AWIN

AWIN offers membership categories for different engagement levels,accommodating diverse needs to support advocacy,education, and economic empowerment.

Individual Membership

As an individual advocate, your voice is powerful. By registering annually for a membership fee of 50 USD, you gain exclusive access to AWIN's network, connections, resources, and meaningful opportunities for personal and professional growth, tailored to fit the various thematic areas of focus of the individual. Your membership empowers you to make a tangible impact within your community and beyond, amplifying your voice in the fight for gender equality and justice.

Organizational Membership

 By opting for organizational membership at a rate of 150 USD per year, your organization gains access to trainings tailored towards organizational development. Individuals who wish to access AWIN’s core thematic resources and opportunities from your organization can join by paying the individual annual subscription rate. Through organizational membership, your team can connect, collaborate, learn, and advocate together, driving collective action and impact within your community and across the continent.

Steps to Becoming an AWIN Member

To ensure the integrity and effectiveness of our network, we carefully screen potential members to ensure alignment with our values, vision and mission. We prioritize individuals and organizations who are committed to our cause and demonstrate a genuine dedication to advancing the rights and well-being of African girls and women.

We look forward to welcoming you to AWIN and working together to advance our collective mission across Africa.

Learn About AWIN:

Visit AWIN's website to learn about our mission, values, and initiatives, and find out how you can contribute to our collective efforts.

Assess Your Alignment:

Reflect on your values and commitment to gender equality, considering how your skills and passion can contribute to our mission and objectives.

Application Process

Complete the membership application on our website, providing accurate details about yourself or your organization, including your background, expertise, and reasons for joining AWIN.

Review Process

After submitting your application, our committee will review it, including background checks and interviews, to assess your suitability for membership.


If approved, you'll receive confirmation, access instructions for our network and resources, and details on membership policies and guidelines.

Benefits of Membership

Private Workspace

Gain access to a collaborative virtual space where you can connect with regional members, fostering dialogue and collaboration.

Virtual Workshops/Trainings/

Enjoy the opportunity to participate in 10 virtual workshops, trainings, or webinars annually, covering a range of topics relevant to our mission and your professional development.

Advocacy Opportunities

Network members will have access to a competitive process for local, regional, and global advocacy opportunities. This includes participation in conferences, subject to availability of opportunities, spaces, and funding.

Learning Resources

Access learning resources and subsidized training modules to enhance knowledge and skills in SRHR, GBV, economic empowerment, gender equality, quality education, leadership, and organizational development.

Information on Funding Opportunities

Stay informed about funding opportunities in our focus areas. Access small grants to initiate impactful projects, advancing your initiatives and benefiting your community.

Psychosocial Support

Access to psychosocial support at subsidized rates, with the right professionals, ensuring that you have the necessary resources to prioritize your mental and emotional well-being as you advocate for change.

Legal aid clinics

Access to quarterly legal aid clinics at designated centers in the country to spread legal awareness and provide free legal assistance to those who are socially or economically deprived from any access to justice or any judicial systems in the society

Advocacy Spaces mapping

At AWIN, after onboarding, members receive an advocacy calendar and map of key advocacy spaces and annual commemoration dates, tailored to their membership cluster.

Agents of Gender Equality

At AWIN, our core mandate is to promote gender equality and equity for African women and girls. We strive to ensure they have equal rights, opportunities, and access to resources in all aspects of life. This includes empowering women and girls through education and skill development, eliminating discriminatory practices, providing protection from gender-based violence, and promoting access to quality healthcare. Additionally, we aim to enhance economic participation with fair pay and conditions, encourage political involvement, uphold legal rights, and foster social and cultural changes to challenge harmful norms and stereotypes. Our goal is to create an environment where women and girls can thrive and contribute meaningfully to their communities, free from discrimination and inequality. We welcome individuals and organizations committed to gender equality to work together in dismantling barriers and promoting inclusivity. This collaboration also involves the inclusion of men as agents of change, working to dismantle unequal power systems and gender disparity, ultimately building a more inclusive, transformative, and gender-equitable society. Together, we can create lasting change and ensure all African girls and women have equal access to opportunities and rights, enabling them to reach their full potential.

Warriors Against GBV and Harmful Cultural Practices

Members dedicated to combating gender-based violence unite to raise awareness, provide support to survivors, and advocate for policies that protect women and girls from violence and abuse.

Advocates for SRHR

Individuals and organizations passionate about advancing sexual reproductive health and rights join forces to advocate for comprehensive and accessible healthcare services for all.

Champions of Economic Empowerment

Advocates for economic empowerment collaborate to create opportunities for financial independence and economic stability among African women, empowering them to thrive in their communities.

Advocates for Inclusive, Equitable and Accessible Education

For members ensuring quality education for all: We advocate for inclusive policies, collaborate on effective initiatives, and empower educators to create transformative, accessible environments.

Each of these clusters at AWIN will have community leaders selected and voted in by the members themselves who will provide leadership, enforce the network’s guidelines and regulations, ensure the adherence to AWIN’s code of conduct in line with its mission and vision and drive conversations on change within the clusters. 

Membership Clusters

At AWIN, we provide a collaborative workspace alongside a platform for individuals and organizations to join hands in advancing these crucial causes. Our membership offers diverse options to accommodate different needs and levels of engagement within our network.

The collaborative workspace is designed to facilitate collaboration, and resource-sharing among like-minded professionals and thereafter empowers African girls and young women to advocate for their rights and work towards a future where gender equality is a reality for all.. 

Additionally, alongside the general membership at the network, the membership committee will be tasked with placing approved members with their respective membership clusters communities to have the opportunity to interact with other alike members within the same field and focus areas; 

Safeguarding Policy

At AWIN, we are committed to fostering a safe and inclusive environment for all members, working together to ensure that our community remains a place of respect, dignity, and integrity where every individual feels valued, and empowered to advocate for change.

As such, the safety and well-being of our members are paramount. To ensure the protection of our community, we uphold the following safeguarding principles:

 Protection from Harm

We prioritize the safety and well-being of our members, partners, and team members, implementing measures to prevent and address any form of harm, abuse, or exploitation within our community and key areas of implementation.

 Zero Tolerance Policy

AWIN maintains a zero-tolerance policy towards any behavior or actions that endanger the welfare of our members, partners or staff members, including but not limited to harassment, discrimination, violence, or any form of misconduct.

Confidentiality and Privacy

We respect the confidentiality and privacy of our members, and all AWIN fraternity ensuring that sensitive information shared within the community remains protected and secure.

 Reporting Mechanisms

AWIN provides accessible and confidential reporting mechanisms for members to raise concerns or incidents related to safeguarding. Reports will be promptly and thoroughly investigated, and appropriate actions will be taken in accordance with our safeguarding policies and procedures.

Training and Awareness

We are committed to raising awareness and providing annual training on safeguarding principles and practices to all members,partners and staff, empowering them to recognize, prevent, and respond to safeguarding concerns effectively.

By becoming a member of AWIN, you agree to uphold these safeguarding principles and contribute to creating a safe and supportive environment for all.